Webinar VDI Performance Testing Like A Pro #VDILIKEAPRO

Starnberg, 21. April 2016 - Hinweis auf ein technisches- und sehr praxisorientiertes Webinar der Firma Login VSI Inc...

Original-Einladungstext: Whether you are a total newbie or a true expert in VDI testing, benchmarking or performance tuning, do not miss this second #VDILIKEAPRO webinar on Thursday April 21. During this webinar you will learn from our (LogIn VSI Inc.) mistakes (we made many) and our successes. Some examples of what you will learn:

  • What are the most common VDI testing mistakes?
  • How do I get more consistent test results?
  • How do I build a good testing environment in our lab?
  • What are the best practices for right sizing?
  • How can I use testing as part of my change cycle?

Do not expect a step by step guide on how to install Login VSI. Do not expect a sales pitch. Do expect real best practices, deep-dives and guidelines in VDI testing, benchmarking or performance tuning.
