Login VSI Webinar: The Performance Impact of Windows 10 November 2019 Update

Microsoft is rolling out the next Windows 10 upgrade, or November 2019 Update as it’s called...

According to Login VSI with this update, Microsoft is entirely focusing on performance improvements and stability rather than delivering a list of new features. What Login VSI has seen so far is that the newer the Windows version, the lower the user density on your system. And as with every change you implement in your environment, it is hard to predict the impact on performance. Proactive and continuous testing allows you to stay one step ahead, before implementing changes. Login VSI’s testing solutions not only prevent problems but also continuously protect your production environment to secure the best possible end-user experience and application performance.

In this webinar, Mark Plettenberg – Sr. Product Manager at Login VSI and Citrix CTP, VMware vExpert, Microsoft MVP - will take a closer look at the 1909 update and share his latest performance test results. Find out exactly what effect this update can have on your environment and gather helpful insights on how to keep your desktops and applications running smoothly when upgrading to 1909.

Target audience:

  • All IT staff responsible for Windows desktop and application performance
  • IT service managers managing environments that include VDI, SBC, DaaS


  • Thursday, December 12, 2019, EMEA - 11:00 CET  
  • REGISTER for Login VSI Webinars > link to Login VSI webinars website  (recording will be sent to all registrants afterwards).